Sunday 14 April 2013

This Figure of Margaret Thatcher

By on 20:57

Former British Prime Minister Margaret Hilda Thatcher passed away on Monday (08/04/2013) due to stroke. During his tenure as prime minister, Margaret was known as the Iron Lady or the "Iron Lady". This relates to the leadership does not know the word compromise.

Margaret Thatcher is the longest-serving prime minister in the UK, namely 1979 to 1990. Chemical researcher is also a single female prime minister in the history of English only.

Here is a brief bio Margaret Thatcher:

Margaret Hilda Roberts

Date of Birth:
October 13, 1925
Denis Thatcher (married 1951-2003)
Carol Thatcher
Mark Thatcher

Somerville College, Oxford Inns of Court

Profession before becoming PM:
Chemical experts, lawyers

This Margaret Thatcher Quote 
Margaret Thatcher gave a lot of inspiration to anyone who knew her figure. His words were firm, and showed himself worthy dubbed the "Iron Lady" (Iron Lady).

Since childhood, the owner's real name Margaret Hilda Roberts is known as a tough, disciplined, and very ambitious. In fact, at the age of nine years, he was able to show himself to be a great man.

"I'm not lucky. I deserved champions," Thatcher said when accepting the award for outstanding achievement in school.

Here's another quote that famous Thatcher and recorded media:

"It took many more years-much longer than my age until later-no other woman to become a party leader or prime minister," the contents of one of his speeches in 1974.

"Let our children grow tall, some higher than others if they can afford it," said during a speech in the United States in 1975.

"I've got a woman's ability to remain live and continue to do the work when others have given up and fled," Thatcher said during a speech in 1975.

"I stand before you this evening to evening gown of green chiffon, with a thin makeup on the face, wavy hair. Sang Iron Lady of the West? Me? Fighting the cold war? Never mind if that's my interpretation of how people maintain the values ​​and freedoms fundamental to our lives, "he said firmly in a speech in 1976 after the Kremlin dubbed as the Iron Lady.

Against those who often sneer and critics ask, Thatcher also oblivious.

"I love argument, I love debate. I did not expect anyone else just sat there and agree with all of my attitude, it's not their job," he said in an interview in 1980.

   Goodbye and hopefully calm in heaven

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Title: This Figure of Margaret Thatcher
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